
Baptism - The Ticket to Heaven?

Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation – The Meaning People around the world ask this question: Is baptism necessary for salvation? The word "baptism" is a transliteration of the Greek word "baptisma" and this word is from a primary Greek verb "bapto," which is also the root of the word baptize. The word means to dip, to dye or to change the identification of. When a piece of white cloth was "bapto" into a vat of blue dye, it no longer was white cloth because its identification was changed to blue cloth. That is the root of the meaning of the word. The rite of baptism was a ritual in the Jewish culture from the beginning. Ceremonial washing of priests and the dipping temple utensils into water was part of the law. For instance, a priest was "baptized" into his office as a priest and it was to dedicate and identify the priest in his position. This baptism set apart the priest to take part in the temple worship and sacrifices. The bapt

College Lectures - A Life Lesson

1⃣College canteen becomes your adda! It is the place where all your holidays are planned – the ones where everyone agrees to go but no one shows up, the ones you plan knowing it is never gonna happen. It is the place where you discuss your fear of exams and your love for TV shows and movies. From meeting up with friends to going on your first date with your so called college crush, the canteen is the place for everything! Everything over just one cup of Coffee. What's your story? 2⃣You’ve always known deep down that you’re awesome, but college will smack you in the face with this self-realization faster than you can say “bad guy.” Your four years of mingling with Ivy Tower elites and perfecting the art of pre-exam cramming will (hopefully) lead to a significant amount of self-actualization and growth. You will begin to discover who you are behind the glitzy façade you put on for the outside world, and you will eventually realize that all of your idiosyncrasies — as strange

What the Subject told the Verb

Subject was a College boy who had come home after a very long time. He was excited to meet his friend Verb, who lived next to his Home. They were close friends. He also liked fishing. He would often go to river bank near his home and enjoy his Hobby.  He often took his friend Verb with him. Verb was Subject's close friend who knows all the actions he does. On the way, they had a conversation on all the happy and naughty things they did at school. All the pranks and fun they had at school were always meaningful and fun-filled only if they did it together. So Subject told his friend, "We had some much fun at school. We played football, went fishing after School Hours, Cycled in the Lawn, played hide and seek and annoyed our neighbours. Now everything has changed but still we go fishing, chat with each other - that hasn't changed and never will." They went caught some fish, came back had dinner together. "Thanks my friend, my life was more meaningful and action-fil

Birthday Wish Poem for Brother

I searched and searched forever for clever words to say .. I know that, they are there for I feel them everyday. But today I’m having trouble for now they will not flow .. With any clever lines my mind won’t even go. Perhaps the words I need are not within my mind .. For in my heart I know the words there, I will find. Excessive words right now will never, ever do .. For what I really want to say is Brother I Love You. Happy Birthday!

A Book I Love - "The Fault in our Stars".

The real tragedy of cancer may be that it affects people of all ages, and children suffering from the disease are often hit hardest. Robbed of any semblance of a normal life, "cancer kids," as Green's narrator, Hazel Grace Lancaster, calls them, mark their time in days and weeks. Hazel, 16, has been battling thyroid cancer since age 13, and only through the use of an experimental drug is she still alive. She carries an oxygen tank with her everywhere, and hasn't attended traditional school since her diagnosis. Depressed and lonely, she tries a support group, where she meets the handsome — and deceptively sick — Augustus Waters, a 17-year-old dreamboat who quickly proceeds to turn her life into an adventure. Green graciously avoids the typical will-they-or-won't-they of most teen reads, as cancer victims don't have the luxury of time to dawdle with their affections. Instead, Augustus and Hazel become fast friends. Green's novel is elegantly plotted, an